
So that your site consistently performs well, we stay up to date with the latest trends in the web development industry. When we feel that developments might be of relevance to our client, we post them here on our blog. What’s more you can also check our social media accounts for the latest notifications and updates.

Hand made websites are better quality

With years of experience we know a thing or two (a lot more actually 🙂 ) about web development and hand building our websites ensures they are of the highest quality build, conform to all standards...

Custom website design for improved user experience

All our premium websites our graphic designer works closely with the client to gain a detailed understanding of the business and the goals of the website, design the website to support those goals...

Is your website fast enough?

Page Speed Optimisation is factor Google takes in to account for website rankings. There are various aspects of a website Google will look at to see if it has been optimised, such as whether images...

Make sure your website works for everyone

With so many different computers, mobile devices and browsers being used to access websites it's clear that websites need to be designed for a lot more than just Internet Explorer these days. We have...

Is Your Website Legal?

Did you know your website must adhere to some legal requirements? I have written a series of blogs on 7 important legal requirements your website and E-Commerce site must adehere to.

Our premium website service explained

Our passion is to build websites of the highest quality for our customer. To achieve this we have developed a 60+ point checklist we use to ensure all our premium websites confirm to what we consider...

How much does a website cost?

Every customer's business and therefore their website requirements are different. Some customers want a simple 5 page brochure website with minimal, simple design, yet others have hundreds of pages,...

META Tags for Expression Engine Template/Index Pages

Our custom META tag coding for SEO LITE, the META tag manager for Expression Engine

New Web Developer Joins the Team

Due to our continued success and growth this year, we have taken on a new Web Developer to work on web site development projects.

100% Div Fixes Width When Using JQuery Cycle

If using a 100% DIV width for a jQuery Cycle container, jQuery Cycle will find the width of the container when its rendered and fix it to this width so when you then resize the browser the container...